Monday, December 21, 2009

How to remove the shoutbox / comments mix full

1. Log In Admin in the Shoutbox.
2. Click the General Settings Locate the click prune messages.
3. Select reserving 10 posts (for all) or delete all,
Examples of such choices:
Messages pruning

1. Keep latest 10 posts and delete the rest
2. Keep latest 30 posts and delete the rest
3. Keep latest 60 posts and delete the rest
4. Keep latest 100 posts and delete the rest
5. Keep latest 200 posts and delete the rest
6. Keep latest 300 posts and delete the rest
7. Delete all messages in my shoutbox


# Enter account password:
4. Klik Aplly Settings.
5. Selesai.
ok anda tinggal restart blog anda dan akan ada tampilan baru shoutmik anda by aladin


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thank you already want to stop by and give comments